Quoting Tobias Koenig : > On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 09:04:14PM +0200, Stephan Kulow wrote: > > Am Freitag 08 Oktober 2004 20:31 schrieb Tobias Koenig: > Hi Coolo, > > > > IMHO doing the change before 3.4 would be the best solution, so we can > > > concentrate on the new Qt version for 4.0 and have the possebility to > > > rename and move files which is really important for the library cleanup. > > I agree to this argumentation. But we need a migration path and someone > > needs to work it out. > Is there anything we developer can do? I guess most of the work must be > done by the people who have access to the server with the repository. > > I'm fine with cvs.kde.org being not reachable for 2 or 3 days if the > migration would take so long. I think that with whatever repository we decide to go with, be it svn or whatever, we need to bring it up 'along side' cvs for a short while. Let the devs transition over to the new one in the course of maybe 2 weeks; keeping the two relatively in sync. At the end of 2 weeks, close access to cvs for all new commits and require committing in the new repository. Obvisouly the 2 weeks part is just an idea but something along those lines might make the most sense ... though keeping them in sync might be really expensive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.