The kdenonbeta CVS module has a high degree of unmaintainability due to its size and the rather large difference in maturity between the various projects inside it. To make it more accessable and better maintainable, I would like to propose to split kdenonbeta in the following modules: 1) kdeplayground-1, kdeplayground-2, ..., kdeplayground-N The kdeplayground modules are intended for new developments that start from scratch or that otherwise still have quite some way to go before they reach a stable/mature state. Typical for these developments is that a large percentage of them never reach maturity and are being left abandoned after some time. This isn't bad in and of itself, but it would be nice if we had them a bit more separated from the rest. Numbered and size-limited for managability, just like the kdeextragear modules. 2) kdereview-1, kdereview-2, ..., kdereview-N The kdereview modules are intended as staging area for relative stable software before it goes to one of the main KDE modules, or to kdeextragear. Typically it would be used to adjust imported projects to the KDE build environment and ideally it would receive a security review, usability review and some style guide compliance checking before it moves along. If there is concensus on this change I would like to make these changes in about 2 weeks from now. Cheers, Waldo -- | Novell BrainShare Europe 2004 | | 12-18 September, Barcelona, Spain |