Hi, don't know if you remember that thread http://lists.kde.org/?t=107463750200003&r=1&w=2 where it told that each time const KAboutData* AccessibilityConfig::aboutData() const was called over a kcontrol module it leaked the KAboutData as most of the modules did a new KAboutData on each call, i presented a patch that took care of that in the kcontrol level, but it was rejected as there where some kcontrol modules that returned a static or class member so deleting it was wrong. Today i have looked at the problem and it is still there so i have spent the morning going though all the kcontrol modules in the cvs and ensuring they return a class member in that call so there is no memory leaked. I do not attach the patch as it is quite big and it basically adds a private KAboutData *mAbout; that is initialized in the constructor and deleted in the destructor and returned in the said call. Can i commit the changes? Albert.