Hi, some people actually suggested to post it here. I hope the admins allow me to post here for the duration of this thread. Thanks in advance. I'm maintainer of the project Apollon, a KDE-giFT filesharing client. Since Apollon is a KDE-application and KDE has a pretty reliable cvs-system, we would be very happy, if you guys would allow apollon to be part of kdeextragear. In fall 2003 was already a discussion about that. I would like to re-enter in that discussion, because the objections weren't really clear. My points are: - Apollon won't be a 'threat' for KDE. Only the client itself would be in the cvs, not the actual p2p-daemon itself. Some were concerned about that. - Apollon is not an "illegal" software. And KDE won't be in a "complicity". - Even the authors of apollon are save and can't be sued. Because they are not complices - the authors know nothing about that what the users do with it. - a dutch judge came to the result, that kazaa is not illegal. His conviction is of international importance. http://www.tagesschau.de/aktuell/meldungen/0,1185,OID2785652_REF1,00.html (sorry, german webpage only) - it's not the software which up- and downloads potentially copyrighted material, it's the user. Thanks for thinking about and considering it! We would be more than happy to be part of kdeextragear! Martin