On Friday 16 May 2003 17:45, Stephan Binner wrote: > now that qt-copy contains Qt 3.2 Beta 1 which adds support in > QTabWidget for custom widgets to be placed beside the tab bar, I want > to ask for opinions about KTabBar and KTabWidget as contained in > kdenonbeta/testwidgets/tab and want to propose them to be added to > kdelibs/kdeui. KTab* extends QTabWidget and makes most things > possible I listed on this list some time ago, notable: > > - Close buttons within each tabs shown on hovering the icon > (#46726). - Allow to rearrange tabs with middle mouse button > (#50747). - Allow Drag and Drop of objects/urls to or from a tab > (#41853). - Allow Drag and Drop of objects to empty tab space for new > tab (#50747). - Allow to react to double-click and middle-click on > tab (#48417). - Colorable tabs (for e.g. showing load/read state of a > web page). - Tab context menus and context menu for space besides tab > bar. > > There is a prog in kdenonbeta/testwidgets/tab/test2 demonstrating all > this. What's the state of this? Stephan, maybe simply moving those files from kdenonbeta/testwidgets/tab to kdelibs/kdeui would be a better idea since we'd keep history that way. I'd love to finally see those widgets in kdelibs. I'd love to make konqy fly with them ;) Zack