On Mon, 19 Mai 2003, Adriaan de Groot wrote: > unlimited bandwidth and no need of guaranteed stability for their systems. > People with expensive dialup, and corporate responsibilities wrt. the > testing and integration of every upgrade on their systems may not be quite > so pleased. You're forgetting an important point here: objprelink was never officially supported, and it was never stable. Removing support for something broken and replacing it with something that works is a good thing. And anyway, KDE was _far_ _away_ from _requiring_ objprelink. KDE works fine without it. it might be a bit slower though, but hey, thats life. if you don't run glibc 2.3.x you're not interested in performance anyway. Its nice to see such a talk for supporting "old" systems for a longer period, but none of your points actually apply here. -- Dirk