On Monday 16 December 2002 09:46, Marc Mutz wrote: > I think there is an end to what should be implemented as a KIOslave. Why? > Locate doesn't seem to fit here, because a typical locate run will > return matches from different directories (you'd get away with ls if > it didn't). So, then the decision seems to be one between purity and usefulness. I started out with the kio-locate as just a trivial proof of concept. Now I'm actually using it myself -- something I didn't really expect. A kio slave is unobtrusive, if you don't know about it or don't want to use it, it doesn't get in the way. It gets it's power by being so well-integrated with KDE. My original intention was to add locate-functionality to kfind. When I looked at kfind I found it was kio for listing files (I had assumed it was a front-end to find). So, I thought, I'll have to implement a kio-slave around locate. After doing that, I looked at kfind again, and to my surprise found that there was nothing left to be done. Amazingly, it just worked. > Every other KIOslave I know only ever lists a single directory level > (yes, even the info:// and man:// slaves do). Agreed. I even grant that kio-locate abuses the semantics of listDir. For the sake of cleaner semantics, my suggestion is to add a query-method to KIO::SlaveInterface. I can't say, though, by what kind of URLs it should be triggered. > So how do you want to > present the search results in Konq? > 3. Show a single directory where each file's name is the > corresponding match's absolute path. > > Judging from the screenshots on appsy, it seems to do (3). Is that > right? I think that's breaking filemanager semantics. Why doesn't it > create a html page instead, as other slaves do? Yes, it would be breaking filemanager semantics, if there was an expectation to see a single directory. The point of not creating a html page is that this wouldn't nearly be as useful. For a html page I can't open a properties dialog for a link, can't "Open with..." it, can't use it in kfind. So, while I agree with you from a purity POV, I tend to think that usefulness trumps purity. Michael -- Michael Schuerig If at first you don't succeed... mailto:schuerig@acm.org try, try again. http://www.schuerig.de/michael/ --Jerome Morrow, "Gattaca"