-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi I'd like to make some additions to Kate's SQL syntax highlighting,=20 specifically to add support for some of the mySQL and PostgreSQL data typ= es,=20 (e.g.: INT2, INT4, INT8, LZTEXT, TINYINT, BIGINT and a few others). Is this suitable for adding to kdelibs/kate/data/sql.xml, should there pe= rhaps=20 be a sql-mysql.xml or sql-postgres.xml or is it just something that doesn= 't=20 want to be part of the standard KDE anyway? (being vendor-specific and=20 all...) Cheers - --=20 Shane http://www.shanewright.co.uk/ Public key: http://www.shanewright.co.uk/files/public_key.asc -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE9Wm6c5DXg6dCMBrQRAmvoAJ0cCJKJKtKBbVpkhvVRKOscGxI8lgCg1N5P idr0kEIqbAyZkz4tFVWFqnk=3D =3D54Mu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----