Hi > > > This makes Qt3/KDE 3 app feel really slow. I can't understand how people > > can claim that KDE3 has become snappier than KDE 2. KDE 2 was ok on this > > box, KDE 3 feels worse :-( > > This seems to contradict this. Looking over the changes between Qt 2 and Qt > 3 I see less differences that can affect drawing performance. > I rember, that kate got much slower, when it had been compiled with QT3 compared to QT2, in the time of the big switch. If I replaced the kate calls to the QT text drawing routines with noops in both kate versions, the repaints of the other widgets needed nearly the same time for both versions. Just turning AA off helped quite a lot,nevertheless I stopped using my PII 350/256MB Ram/UltraScsi computer for QT 3 (X11) / KDE 3 Kind regards Joseph Wenninger