-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Am Friday 19 July 2002 19:22 schrieb Pupeno: > Merkury is the dcop service in charge of voice synthetization that I'm > writting (there will be also a class for other developers intending to use > this system and a KCModule to configure it) > I just wanted to start the project by myself and then insert it into KDE > somewhere, but I see that is really important where it's going to be. > So I'm asking where should it be ? where should I start developing > (kdenonbeta/merkury ?) and where is it going to be (kdebase/merkury ? > kdemultimedia/merkury ?). > Thank you. Hi, does it have something to the with the work of Compaq Research Laboratories( CRL http://crl.research.compaq.com/)? They got a project called mercury too and they're focusing on synthesizing speach and recognizing it again regards Holger -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE9OHnWGckbdURWU2oRArflAJ9rHoZKFabyTbwB8J5Xd+S4C0E5+gCbBNTA RRwQaV9ESqxmFbXpjugErBw= =qG64 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----