Further to my previous postings on the subject... I realise that registering proper MIME-types is the 'correct' thing to do - but, as I'm not an expert in the intracacies of all the font file formats, this is out of my scope. Also, at the moment it is fairly common to use the "x-" qualifier for font mimetypes, whether this is 'correct' or not is another matter - and both KDE and GNOME currently use the "x-" qualifier for fonts. Currently KDE has 2 font mime-types: application/x-truetype-font TrueType fonts application/x-font Postscript & pcf fonts ...and GNOME (looking at the gnome-vfs-magic file) has: application/x-font-vfont application/x-font-ttf application/x-font-type1 application/x-font-sunos-news application/x-font-bdf application/x-font-pcf application/x-font-speedo application/x-font-libgrx application/x-font-dos application/x-font-framemaker application/x-font-tex application/x-font-tex-tfm application/x-font-linux-psf The only conflicting entry is that for TrueType fonts. In order to harmonise things I would like to propose removing the existing x-truetype-font and x-font mimetypes, and replace them with the following: application/x-font-ttf application/x-font-type1 application/x-font-bdf application/x-font-pcf application/x-font-snf (Not used in GNOME) application/x-font-speedo application/x-font-ghostscript (Not used in GNONE) The other GNOME entries I am unsure of... Craig.