On Monday 06 May 2002 03:55 pm, Guillaume Laurent wrote: > On Monday 06 May 2002 22:47, Waldo Bastian wrote: > > I support that. I am not opposed to the idea of releasing KDE 3.1 as ju= st > > kdelibs and kdebase and all the other packages could be released > > independently (ether as one big packages or on an app by app basis) and > > possibly on different schedules. > > Gnome is more or less following this principle (e.g. a Gnome "release" is > actually a snapshot of all apps at a given point). It's a freakin' mess. > The big problem is that there's no incentive for maintainers to stabilise > their apps at some common point.=20 We had that common point with KDE 3.0 but I don't see why everything should= be=20 released at a common point for further releases. The only point of concern= =20 would be, as David already mentioned, that released applications don't depe= nd=20 on unreleased changes in e.g. kdelibs. Cheers, Waldo =2D-=20 bastian@kde.org | SuSE Labs KDE Developer | bastian@suse.com