Am Dienstag, 9. April 2002 11:05 schrieb Dirk Mueller: > On Mon, 08 Apr 2002, Waldo Bastian wrote: > > Seperate as in 3 modules for 3 applications? I rather go for a scheme > > where we have a limited number of CVS modules and source tarballs from > > which multiple binary packages are build. > > Yes, sure. but nobody was yet able to design the build system for > something like that. And I thought this was about applications with heavy > dependencies (like the to-be-written kdeedu application using java > bindings) mainly, not about adding redundant sets of apps to modules. I think the problem was that the only thing most people could agee upon was dropping KOnCD. But contributors could not agree on whether including KreateCD (favored by some mainly because of Joseph Wenninger's merits) or Bake Oven (which most people think is far more advanced and user friendly). Also both app maintainers were willing to develop their programs in KDE CVS (but not to join their projects). So I guess most people were pretty much relieved to see Waldo's "Salomonic" posting on this: Seems you missed this somehow? Thomas -- KDE translation: Deutsche KDE-Uebersetzung: