On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 03:11:47PM +0100, Thomas Diehl wrote: > I agree to both points. Maybe we could get the code of Bake Oven and the > name of KreateCD? ;-)) Or rather get the projects to join somehow? Hey, CD Bake Oven is a cute takeoff on an Easy CD Creator meets other piece of American pop culture (Easy Bake Oven). AND it doesn't start with a K. Dispelling the myth of the requisite K isn't so awful. > If a choice can't be avoided I'd prefer Bake Oven by far. Can't judge on the > code but its appearance is much more polished and user friendly. Also it > was the only one of the 3 candidates that worked for me right from the > start. Why not have some choice? I'm still going thru the process of getting a KDE built (sadly my P2-450 isn't as fast as it once was..)... but it would be nice to have the big three in one place where I can check them out and futz around with them... since I'd really like to see a KDE GUI cd creator for fbsd. If the size of kdenonbeta is of concern there are LOTS of things that should be in the attic or already are that can be deleted from the repository. - alex