Is there a way to control a Part in a generic way, in the same you control an application using DCOP. AFAIK, you can only invoke open/save on parts. So the part must be self-contained and you have another control on the part. However, controlling a part may be sometimes useful, as it is for a DCOP app (at least I would see a potential use to control the kghostview part in the print preview dialog). What would be nice is a "call" function in a part, like in DCOPClient. The only other way is to include the part header and use static_cast. (Hope I'm not missing KParts features here). Michael. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Goffioul IMEC-DESICS-MIRA e-mail: (Mixed-Signal and RF Applications) Tel: +32/16/28-8510 Kapeldreef, 75 Fax: +32/16/28-1515 3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------