John Firebaugh wrote: >On Thursday 07 March 2002 11:45 pm, George Staikos wrote: > >>2) Wrong names on applets: kscore, kpf, kmixapplet, kcharselect, >>kdictapplet This causes a big problem because the configfile name is wrong >>since it is based on the applet lib name. >>[PATCH ATTACHED] >> > >We need a better naming convention. Matthias Elter changed the applets in >kdebase/kicker/applets to use _panelapplet, but this is >inconsistent with the rest of the module naming conventions, which have >prefixes instead of suffixes. I propose, where > does not contain a leading 'k' nor 'applet'. > This change was done on the request of Coolo. He suggested and I used the less ambigious I later noticed that most modules use a prefix instead of a suffix but there seems to be no clear naming scheme as we have, too. I propose to keep the current naming scheme because changing it again is a waste of time. That does not mean that I would veto a change, so if you have strong feelings about this feel free to change it. Make sure to add backwards compatibility in the loading code. > The desktop file >should also not have a leading 'k'. > Agreed. This has historic reasons and I already renamed all of the panel applet .desktop files in kdebase while I did the .so name change. Feel free to do this for all cvs modules. I have already added backwards compaitibility code for this, too. Greetings, Matthias