hi... > I think this approach is fundamentally flawed in that it doesn't use > KConfig for looking up the settings. KDE applications should read their > settings from KConfig, using QSettings instead is a step back that I'm not > willing to take. is your concern simply over using the KConfig vs QSetting class to read in / write out the settings? because if so, the qtrc is parseable by KConfig ... it uses the same group/item layout ... i don't think that the trolls will be able to change this now that they have committed to it... so there is no real requirement to use QSettings ... which may be a big issue for those who are worried about QSettings slowly creeping into the KDE framework and displacing KConfig (and everything that it does better). > If Qt applications have no means of adjusting to the KDE settings then that > is a shortcoming of Qt that should be fixed in Qt. Degrading KDE to > overcome that is not the way to go. well, Qt _is_ the underlying toolkit here ... but in any case, there is no QSettings anything in my kapplication patch. additionally, all the parsing and application of font, colour and style settings is done by QApplication (which does use QSettings). so as long as KDE apps use QApplication somewhere these values will be read in and applied (using QSettings and qtrc) regardless of what KDE does after that. the question is whether or not the KDE apps decide to set their own values despite what qt might do (which seems rediculous to me, since nothing is gained by doing so; and only breaking look/feel consistency for qt-only apps is achieved). another option would be to attempt to keep the qtrc and the KDE style/color/font config entries in sync, but that is probably a fool's errand ... the only "fool proof" mechanism that i can see for achieving style consistency between qt and kde applications is by allowing QApplication to do its thing, and modify those settings using the kde control panels (using KConfig) the end question is, i suppose, whether or not style/color/font/gui effect parity between Qt only and KDE apps is a worthwhile goal. i suggest asking a dozen average KDE users whether they'd like their Qt and KDE apps to look the same or different. i think you'll find the answer to be a resounding "yes they should look the same." at least, that's the answer i kept getting =) -- Aaron Seigo