Just had an idea on how we could solve the detailed menu entries with descriptions for 3.1. While a user uses the k-menu, the rest of the panel is pretty useless, especially the application icons. We could use the panel area to display more detailed information about an application, keeping the menus tidy and yet providing a nice way to show extra information, in a place that is always the same for the user. See http://capsi.com/~cap/snapshot-kmenu.jpg for a crude attempt to make this work. I think it should be sufficient to just use the application buttons area, it is big enough and keeps items that might have some use visible, such as the taskbar. Rob -- Rob Kaper | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little cap@capsi.com | temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." www.capsi.com | - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759