On Thursday 17 January 2002 14:53, Neil Stevens wrote: > On Thursday January 17, 2002 05:44, David Faure wrote: > > > I have to try it to want it defaulted off? I can't apply common > > > sense, and experience with other animations locking up my XServer? > > > > This is about changing the icon's pixmap, a simple > > QIconViewItem::setPixmap()! How is this going to lock up your X server > > ?????? > > Where on earth have you been since KDE 2.0 Coding a good part of it, maybe ? > when hundreds of users have > complained again, and again, and again, at the insane jump in cpu usage > that the (also QMovie) animated images in Konq? That's about looping-forever animated GIFs in khtml, where you can have 100 at a time (and the most common complaint is that they keep running when the window is minimized, which could indeed be improved). If you had even a small glimpse at either the patch's code or the way it behaves, you'd see it has nothing to do with this (given the fact that those animations are NOT looping, that a single one happens at a given time, and that 32x32 has nothing to do with the 200x200 things that webdesigner put in webpages). > > /me really irritated at so much nonsense now > > Uh huh, nonsense. Because I dare to question one of our oh-so-precious > artist's demands? No, because you are commenting on the very idea of animated icons without even looking at how they are implemented, and on the real effect on CPU / user's actions, mixing everything up (with animated GIFs for instance). Questionning is good, when done sensibly. > Forget I said anything. Shove whatever garbage you want in by default > after the freeze, I won't say another word about it. Good. Now give _me_ a break. KDE coding is supposed to be fun, and it is, except when arguing like this - totally in the air, since you don't even know what you're commenting. Tell me what you want to do in your app, and I'll comment on it (and all the bloat it adds) without even testing it. This is going to be so much fun. -- David FAURE, david@mandrakesoft.com, faure@kde.org http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~david, http://www.konqueror.org KDE 3.0: Konquering the Desktops