From kde-core-devel Thu Jan 17 01:00:47 2002 From: Dirk Mueller Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 01:00:47 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: RELEASE DUDE: Re: Support for animated icons (on mouseover) X-MARC-Message: On Mit, 16 Jan 2002, Matthias Elter wrote: > >The main question is: given the current feature freeze, is it ok to commit > >this nonetheless ? > I tend to say "yes" but considering the clear "no" from our release dude > to John Firebaughs kicker auto hide tweaks my opinion is either reject > all features commits or define clear rules which features may break the > freeze. FAQ, see: In short: - no new features to "core" parts (kdelibs / kdebase) that are not listed in the feature plan. - for listing them now in the feature plan, it requires reviewal first. Now I didn't define "reviewal", and it doesn't mean "depends on what the release dude says", especially as I don't feel capable of deciding myself about some of the questions I get asked (i.e. because I don't know that specific code). Instead I'd like to suggest the following rules / procedure, which also worked well in the past: - posting of a patch with a short description, and if the are "enough" pro the patch and it was tested, then go ahead. - "enough" - depends on the situation. I'd say it is at least _one_ other developer that can judge about the patch (and hopefully tested it), and in case of veto's more pro's than con's. The implicit "if nobody replies its okay" rule for bugfix-patch-postings does not apply. So its in short the "commits require reviewal" rule. Of course this outline is open for comments in case you think I've missed here something important. Don't consider this completely hardcoded and strict - i.e. I would say the maintainer's vote counts a bit more than those that are otherwise not working on the affected code. This is not a formal procedure - I prefer discussing and finding an agreement over any formalism. We should have better things to do than bending rules. However, as a little reminder I want to append my usual rant about the schedule: Remember, we're very late in the release schedule, and for various reasons I actually do not want to delay it significantly anymore. So whatever you might think of _now_ that urgently _has_ to be in 3.0, please think twice about it first. 3.0 is not the end of the world, and IMHO it is preferable to ship something stable/bugfree over something that has the latest gimmick. The _focus_ should be to get the API in a sane state and having things _easily_ _extensible_ for possible useful later changes and additions. And in case you're feeling bored now that you cannot work on the latest feature idea you're dreaming of for the whole last month already, think about taking a small look at the bugs database. Especially before you add a POST_3_0_BRANCH :-) Dirk