On Saturday 29 December 2001 06:38, Ellis Whitehead wrote: > On a related note, I would like to give new names to the two standard KDE > schemes. "KDE Default for 3-Modifier Keys" isn't very catchy. *grin* I > was thinking "KDE Standard" (or I suppose "KDE Traditional") for the scheme > without the win key, and "KDE Extended" for the scheme with the win key. I > don't like "KDE Extended" much though, especially if the emacs-style > shortcuts are going to be called "extended shortcuts". "KDE Standard" migth be more catchy, but "KDE Default for 3-Modifer Keys" is easier to understand. Looks are important, but let's not make it go out over usability. -- \ Christian A Strømmen / \ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: number1@kde.org number1@realityx.net / \ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 / Live your life by your dreams, not by the limits of reality...