Am Samstag, 29. Dezember 2001 16:31 schrieb shaheed: > It seems to me that there is scope for some standardised column sorting > operators for use with {K,Q}ListViews. For example, the current textual > sort on Date columns in konqueror's file listview mode is a PITA at best, > and a bug at worst. > > Now, this function is clearly common for several types of data, for > example: > > - for filenames, where one might want directories sorted ahead of regular > files > > - for dates, one wants to sort on the actual date, not its textual > representation > > and is needed in several places like Konqueror and Cervisia. At the moment, > this is done by different kinds of inconsistent hacks. > > What is the best way to tackle this? Perhaps there should be a standard > {K,Q}ListViewItem's subclasses for storing certain data types? "virtual int QListViewItem::compare(QListViewItem *entry, int column, bool ascending) const" seems to be what you are looking for. Of course it requires you to subclass QListViewItem every time you want a new comparsion behaviour. Hmm, perhaps it'd be handy to be able to have something like 'typedef int (*QListViewItemComparator)(QListViewItem *, QListViewItem)' and then such a function to a QListView. That way you could plug in new comparators without having to subclass. - Frerich