Stephan Kulow wrote: > > On Friday, 30. November 2001 15:14, wrote: > > Just wondering what generates the X-Spam-Rating? I get a lot of mail from > > credible users on, and and I am wondering if > > this change is going to block mail from them or is it not affecting the > > forwarded addresses but just the mailing lists? > > Hi! > > The X-Spam-Rating for etc is about 300. If they use FREE or SEX in > their subjects, they are bounced for all addresses. > As I said in my mail, they get bounced when the spam-rating hits 1000, they > are held for aproval if they reach 600. Hiya, Well that's a problem for me too. I noticed today that on the KDE list that *4* perfectly legitimate emails were being held for SPAM ratings (given the low list traffic today that's about 40% of all legitimate emails!!), but the reported threshold was *400*. In any event, since almost half of all legitimate emails are being held, IMHO the SPAM filter is in total overkill mode. Is this a separate adjustment from the addresses? I supposed when mail coming to my address is bounced, there is no way for me to know it and see what I missed like I can with the mailing list. So please add me to the "rik" exception (or preferably restore me to the 1000 threshold, not sure if you can do that on a per-user basis), and I will handle SPAM filtering locally (I need it anyway since I am the endpoint of over 20 active email addresses). Thanks for your good intentions :-), Dre