I've figured out why arts is compiling for some, but not for others: > > ../../../arts/mcop/object.h:91: `long int > > Arts::Object_base::_getObjectID () const' is protected > > mcopdcopobject.cpp:90: within this context This stuff occurs if --enable-final is used only. mcopdcopobject.cpp includes a horrible hack: #define protected public #include #undef protected In --enable-final mode, this doesn't have any effect because object.h was included by a different file first, therefore the correct (protected) definition is there already. I've committed an equally ugly workaround to CVS (changed the order of files in Makefile.am so the crude hack applies with --enable-final), but I think we need a real fix... LLaP bero -- This message is provided to you under the terms outlined at http://www.bero.org/terms.html