On Mardi 30 Octobre 2001 23:20, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote: > Do the math - the RPM is almost 20MB and thats for an email client! > > I really don't see the point of using Evolution so much - even I were Gnome > user - I would use either mozilla email client (which is pretty good) or > Balsa.. > > Sorry, but to me looks like Evolution as a monster email app, which doesn't > help very much (ok, nice palm sync and address book - but it's simply too > big!) Check out that URL, it's the funny part here - not yet another gnome vs kde thread ;) David. > On Tuesday 30 October 2001 22:57 pm, Matthias Elter wrote: > > Seems like evolution is close to 1.0 ;-) > > http://www.nat.org/evolution.php3 > > > > Greetings, > > Matthias