I love KDE! The community, who welcomed me so many years ago, the developers who respected me as a non-coding (except in English!) person and contributor, all of the wonderful packagers who provide our fabulous software to users around the world, the distro leaders who not only keep useful bug reports coming but work with developers to fix them, and the creative thinkers who keep dreaming big and making their dreams come true for the rest of us. I love all the leaders who do the scut work behind the scenes, reporting on niggling issues which must be fixed to keep the infra running, the sysadmins who throw their bodies in front of attackers and keep all of us safe. 

I love you all.

Valorie aka "Linux Grandma," Kubuntu user for 20 years!

On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 11:08 AM victorhck <victorhck@mailbox.org> wrote:
I can subscribe the destilled flavor of positive feedback that this
message has.

I also really Love KDE since I test in 2011 with openSUSE and still here
I am, a happy KDE and openSUSE user.

So really thanks to the community behind KDE. Developers, testers,
casual contributors, translators, the people in desing group, people
that help in forums, users who spread the word and users all around the

Keep doing a great work! not just for milestones like Plasma 6, but a
hard work every day keeping KDE stable and reliable


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she/her. "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them." - Marcus Aurelius