On Mon, Jan 9, 2023 at 1:05 AM Thomas Baumgart <thb@net-bembel.de> wrote:
On Sonntag, 8. Januar 2023 11:03:09 CET Ben Cooksley wrote:

> Hi all,
> This evening I updated our Gitlab instance at invent.kde.org to the latest
> version - 15.7.1.
> The release notes for this can be found at
> https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2022/12/22/gitlab-15-7-released/
> Of particular note for folks are the following:
> - Gitlab CLI Tool: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/glab/
> - Using a SSH key to sign your commits:
> https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/ssh_signed_commits/
> - New Web IDE: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/web_ide_beta/ (based
> on VS Code)
> Please note that the new VS Code based Web IDE is currently in beta, if you
> experience issues with it you can disable it in your preferences:
> https://invent.kde.org/-/profile/preferences
> Should there be any issues, please let us know.

As suggested by tsdgeos, not sure if it's related to/caused by the update though:

 11:37:28 <frinring> bcooksley[m]: hi. any chance that CI pipelines are no longer triggered after the gitlab update?
 11:38:20 <frinring> though push does not yet show up on https://invent.kde.org/dashboard/activity, so perhaps some processing still happening?
 11:39:34 <frinring> https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesvn/-/commits/master shows the commits (4 min old), but https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesvn/activity also does not yet show the push
 12:32:24 <TobiasFella> we also seem to be hitting some gitlab problem in https://invent.kde.org/network/neochat/-/merge_requests/752
 12:33:14 <ipwizard> This looks similar to https://invent.kde.org/office/kmymoney/-/merge_requests/191
 12:34:33 <ipwizard> I also noticed, that windows jobs take a long time to setup and then fail. Now it doesn't even start after re-launch
 12:42:05 <tsdgeos> Kind of late for bcooksley[m] so i'd say answer his email to the community mailing list?

This has now been corrected, apologies for the disruption.

For those curious, Gitlab accomplishes the large part of it's processing using a background worker, Sidekiq.
This background worker has a supervisor process, sidekiq-cluster, which launched successfully but was unable to spawn it's worker processes due to an issue with Bundler.

That has been fixed now and it has caught up on all the missed processing.

CI has approximately 200 jobs to work through at this time, which the nodes are busy working on at this very moment.




Thomas Baumgart

An optimist laughs to forget.
A pessimist forgets to laugh.