On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:50 PM Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu> wrote:
Hello all,
like you probably heard already RMS was reinstatement to the
Board of Directors of the Free Software Foundation. RMS has
always been a negative force to the Free Software movement due
to his toxic behavior. There is an open letter asking for his
and the current board FSF resignation available at

It was already signed by many other Free Software contributors
from many organizations (GNOME, OSI, Apache, ...) and it would be
a good idea for some us to sign it too.

This can be done by either sending a email digitalautonomy at riseup.net
or by submitting a pull request at https://github.com/rms-open-letter/rms-open-letter.github.io/pulls.

Carl Schwan

Thanks, Carl. I would like to point out that Carl posted his suggestion to the individual people on this list. He did not propose that the KDE e.V. officially take a stand. 

If you agree with Carl that RMS should not be able to slink back onto the Board of the FSF and that action by the FSF is bad for Free Software, then his email tells you how to register your concern. 

If you disagree, you need take no action. RMS is now back on the FSF Board, and none of us know how or why that happened. 

I'm unsure why there is outrage in offering people a choice?

Valorie < pro-Free Software; against supporting pedophilia and pedophiles

http://about.me/valoriez - pronouns: she/her