On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 3:51 AM Nate Graham <nate@kde.org> wrote:
On 3/6/21 6:54 AM, Clemens Toennies wrote:
> Maybe it's an indication that putting monetary resources into these
> infrastructure projects (especially in light of KDE's current job hire
> initiative) would be a good idea?
> To be clear, this is not to say anything about the imo outstanding jobs
> of the current voluntaries.

I've suggested it the past, and I believe this thread suggests that the
amount of work exceeds the available resources by a significant margin,
which reinforcing the proposal.

Ben, can we get Discourse added to the Sysadmin task queue? Again, no
pressure regarding schedule, but can we get it added there just for
work-tracking purposes?

I've now added https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/31 for this.

In terms of scheduling it is currently behind:
https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/23 (Retirement of Micrea)
https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/28 (Replacement of l10n servers)
https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/30 (Overhaul work on transactional email and our DNS infrastructure)
https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/27 (Transferring some services around)

Most of those items should be fairly straight forward and completed within the next two weeks, although three of those are reliant on external parties responding to us promptly. 

Once those items are completed, we'll likely be focusing on Gitlab CI (represented by #10, #9 and #7). 

At this point I had expected our queue to be reasonably empty of bigger tasks, however unfortunately Nextcloud have forced our hand with their requirement of MySQL 8 in Nextcloud 21 (tracked in https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/task-queue/-/issues/25). While seeming straight forward, the required change to MySQL 8 by Nextcloud will necessitate a complete system rebuild for three of our servers - Nicoda, Edulis and Komaci, which between them host the vast majority of our sites including www.kde.org, dot.kde.org, forum.kde.org, userbase.kde.org, krita.org and bugs.kde.org

This is not something we had planned to do so soon, but regretfully we will be forced to do so by Nextcloud as we need to have this completed before Nextcloud 20 goes End of Life in October 2021 (suffice to say, i'm extremely displeased with Nextcloud as the warning notice for this only appeared in the last month - this being on top of them not yet having a solution to the issues we had with the realtime text editor during Akademy 2020)

