Hello faithful Sysadmins (with kde-community and Adam CCd), I would like to formally request that a KDE discourse instance be set up as a testbed for now, with the ultimate goal of replacing the somewhat moribund forums.kde.org if people prefer it. Over the years I've seen this suggested multiple times by multiple people, but without much movement. Since then, the Krita people have set up a Discourse instance themselves, outside of KDE infrastructure. Many other FOSS communities already use Discourse, including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, GNOME, and Mozilla. I think it's time for us to follow suit and set up an official discourse instance on KDE Infrastructure. Last I heard, there was an objection based on the fact that its deployment mechanism requires Docker. I don't care much for Docker myself, but if it's the only way to set up Discourse, I think it's time to bite the bullet and use it despite reservations, so we can facilitate this longstanding request from the KDE community. Nate