Luca Beltrame kirjoitti 26.11.2018 klo 8.15: > Il giorno Sun, 25 Nov 2018 21:58:48 -0200 > Lays Rodrigues ha scritto: > >> So, is it possible to add Discourse for KDE? > > Given the burden on Sysadmin already, there needs to be someone > willing to shoulder this work (and go past their objections, like the > use of Postgres), at least for evaluation work. > > Saying "is it possible" means it'll take a long time, or possibly never > occur. Saying "I'll do it" and following up (note: generic "I", not > addressing you in particular) has a higher chance. As Luca said last month, there has been a lack of maintainers for the existing forum for a long time. Thus, wouldn't it be a safer first step to recruit someone to upgrade the existing forum to the latest version of phpBB (which has evolved during all this time after all)? It was said "Discourse is a bit more intuitive" than phpBB. I guess the main thing this was referring to is the non-hierarchical navigation of Discourse (displaying topics from all categories by default). I think showing a big ol' list of recent topics would solve this for phpBB: (see also the "Demo" for layout inspiration). The main problem in any case will be getting enough engagement. I don't think I have ever received a reply from a KDE developer in the current forums. Anyway, in the VDG chat it was revealed that the Chinese community has experimented with various forum solutions. The CN openSUSE folks set up a Discourse forum without Docker: With the help of this guide: There is also a test instance of Flarum for KDE China: Flarum is certainly much easier to set up than Discourse: Ilmari