Am 2018-10-29 19:22, schrieb David Edmundson: >> I'm also wondering whether other KDE projects have the > seem need as we have for Krita, > > With my Plasma hat on: > > Surprisingly, we don't get too many end user questions on bugzilla. I > think it tends to get loaded onto the distros instead. > > We do get quite a few where the user thinks they have a bug but it's > an issue on their end but I don't think a helpdesk would solve them. What I see in KWin quite often is: "foo doesn't work" or "KWin should do bar". And then you tell them how to enable the feature or that KWin already supports it. This is so common that I consider this as one of the huge pain point in bugzilla. For me that falls under "user support" and I think a helpdesk system could improve the situation (Obviously it requires users going there and if a user knows something like "KWin" exists and can report a bug against it it's a lost case - a user shouldn't know KWin exists). Cheers Martin