El dilluns, 16 de juliol de 2018, a les 11:26:42 CEST, Jonathan Riddell va escriure: > Hi KDE community I'd like to request access to post on the > @kdecommunity Twitter account. This is to make announcements of > Plasma releases, our flagship product. I already do this on G+ and > Facebook. I'm told there are higher powers who have to approve this > but I've no idea who they are or how to get a message to them, I guess the best is to contact those higher powers in their own mailing list https://community.kde.org/Promo/People/social_media#Global_coordination Cheers, Albert > they > seem to have not received my requests so far. I've been an active > contributoir to kde-promo for about 15 years after the only > contributor. > > Jonathan