kdegraphics/pixie imagelist.cpp,1.32,1.33 imagelist.h,1.12,1.13 imagewindow.cpp,1.19,1.20 imagewindow.h,1.7,1.8 keyboard.html,1.1,1.2 Author: mosfet Tue Apr 3 08:11:44 UTC 2001 In directory cvs.kde.org:/var/tmp/cvs-serv22213 Modified Files: imagelist.cpp imagelist.h imagewindow.cpp imagewindow.h keyboard.html Log Message: Fixin' more stuff. In XV mode, if the image window is too large it is scaled down to desktop size. It used to also automatically move to the top/left of the desktop, but I disabled this when we were having the KWin problems. It's now re-enabled. I also use KWinModule::workArea now to find desktop size instead of QApplication::desktop. Another "Doh!" bug ;-) The Escape key now moves the image window to the top/left of the desktop in XV mode.