kdegraphics/pixie imagelist.cpp,1.28,1.29 KEYBOARD.TXT,1.1,NONE Author: mosfet Wed Mar 21 22:42:27 UTC 2001 In directory cvs.kde.org:/var/tmp/cvs-serv11139 Modified Files: imagelist.cpp Removed Files: KEYBOARD.TXT Log Message: More work on accelerators: Most single key accelerators now have been prefaced with "CTRL". Why? Because accelerators are assigned to the toplevel widget and inherited by all it's children - no matter which widget you create a KAccel for. Says this right in the Qt docs, slap my face and call me silly ;-) Thus if you have alphanumeric, single key accelerators, things like QLineEdit will be unusable - even if the QLineEdit isn't a child of the widget that has the KAccel object. All the accels are still there, but they now use a modifier. There are some single-key accelerators left - but they are not used for the thumbnail manager, where you may have to enter text containing the key. Works everywhere else tho.