CVS by pfeiffer escribi=F3: > = > kdeutils/kcalc kcalc.cpp,1.43,1.44 kcalc_core.cpp,1.31,1.32 > Author: pfeiffer > Wed Nov 22 20:50:03 UTC 2000 > = > Modified Files: > kcalc.cpp kcalc_core.cpp > Log Message: > whew :) > s/QApplication::beep()/KNotifyClient::beep()/g > = > Now we definitely need a nice sound for that :P Btw, did you had a look in each case to substitute it with a correct notification ? or just replaced each ocurrence of QApp::beep() ? I mean, the original idea of KNotify was to be used to differenciate each kind of notification. For example, if instead of using KNotifyClient::beep() in kcalc, you use a "real" notification for kcalc's "division by zero" errors (remember this is an example), you could generate a theme that includes wav files for this notification that pronnounces = "Division by zero" in a nice voice. I think this is not only a geek-thing, but may be useful for semi-blind people or something. Greetings, -- Antonio Larrosa Jimenez KDE core developer KDE - The development framework of the future, today.