David Faure wrote: > > On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 02:33:52PM +0200, Harri Porten wrote: > > Might be the were a little bit too "robust" against errors. Right now > ^^^^^^^ they were or we are ? *We* are. Meaning: execution might continue after an error in some cases. This was helpfull at times when we were far from being feature complete (assuming the code found on the Net is correct). C++ exceptions coming from libkhtml are silently ignored right now for example (better than the previous abortions). Now, that people can actually start developping with KDE (Peter's demo) this will lead to sloppy programming - analogous to the old gcc vs. CC issue. > > there is no way to output error messages to the user. Message boxes > > would certainly be a bad idea (lesson learned from older Netscape > > versions) > No doubt about that. Note that IE does it only when Visual Studio is > installed (i.e. "developer type of user"). Not that I'm any good at Aaaah ! I was already wondering how to see them. Even tried typing "jscript:" in the location field ... > debugging Javascript, though :) > > > but a JavaScript console might be a good idea. > What's the advantage over the standard output ? For us this will be fine but I'm wondering if future KDE users will ever open a terminal window ;) Anyway, low priority for me right now. I have some fixes for exception propagation (every error is "thrown" according to the latest ECMA spec) on my disk. Last night I noticed that these changes broke dom.html. Thanks to your IE experiment this might indicate a step in the right direction. Will investigate. Harri.