kdeadmin/ksysctrl/pixmaps cdrom.xpm,,1.2 display.xpm,,1.2 printer.xpm,,1.2 storage.xpm,,1.2 Author: mosfet CVSROOT: /home/kde Tue Jul 27 00:01:18 MET DST 1999 Update of /home/kde/kdeadmin/ksysctrl/pixmaps In directory zeus:/tmp/cvs-serv6487 Modified Files: cdrom.xpm display.xpm printer.xpm storage.xpm Log Message: Replaced win style icons with KDE ones. I just did the obvious choices as I am not even in KDE right now and don't have all the icons installed. If anyone sees other KDE icons that can replace the win ones please do so since we cannot use MS's ;-)