koffice/kword kword.desktop,NONE,1.1 Makefile.am,1.60,1.61 kword_view.cc,1.141,1.142 kword_part.kdelnk,1.31,NONE Author: shausman CVSROOT: /home/kde Tue Jun 1 00:27:13 MET DST 1999 Update of /home/kde/koffice/kword In directory zeus:/tmp/cvs-serv8473/kword Modified Files: Makefile.am kword_view.cc Added Files: kword.desktop Removed Files: kword_part.kdelnk Log Message: - first attempt to make embedding of documents work again, using kded. luckily we're nearly "source-compatible" :-) . now let's see how stable this is btw, activated servers won't shutdown yet :-(( , but this will be changed. meanwhile you'll have to kill them yourself ;) (plus small fixes for kohtml....since libkfm is dead)