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List:       kde-commits
Subject:    [websites/falkon-org] /: Add "Made by KDE" logo
From:       David Rosca <null () kde ! org>
Date:       2018-09-01 7:09:57
Message-ID: E1fw02f-0002G5-G9 () code ! kde ! org
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Git commit ff55b3806e39aaa4d186a1caf5d8c20799054e49 by David Rosca, on behalf of \
Julian Schraner. Committed on 01/09/2018 at 07:09.
Pushed by drosca into branch 'master'.

Add "Made by KDE" logo

This change adds a "Made by KDE" logo into the site header. The intention of this is \
to improve the brand visibility of KDE. See T9122 for more details on the effort.

Test Plan: - Works fine with Mobile & Desktop

Reviewers: #falkon, drosca

Reviewed By: #falkon, drosca

Subscribers: #falkon

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D15104

M  +1    -0    _includes/header.html
A  +139  -0    images/madeByKDE.svg


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+  </g>

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