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List:       kde-commits
Subject:    [breeze-icons] icons/mimetypes: sync colors between different sizes
From:       andreas kainz <kainz.a () gmail ! com>
Date:       2016-09-30 21:53:25
Message-ID: E1bq5kD-0000KY-Dk () code ! kde ! org
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Git commit 8501038b041bafe5d66e91d49f410be4a42adeb2 by andreas kainz.
Committed on 30/09/2016 at 21:52.
Pushed by andreask into branch 'master'.

sync colors between different sizes

T  +63   -1    icons/mimetypes/16/libreoffice-drawing.svg
M  +110  -14   icons/mimetypes/22/application-vnd.iccprofile.svg
T  +89   -1    icons/mimetypes/22/libreoffice-drawing.svg
M  +191  -27   icons/mimetypes/32/application-x-ms-shortcut.svg


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