Git commit cc12b0d259574ff6780254c9d046780d8e399fb3 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 31/08/2014 at 21:53. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. update M +3 -1 NEWS diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS index 41ecd57..accaf42 100644 --- a/NEWS +++ b/NEWS @@ -104,4 +104,6 @@ BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (alias B.K.O | http://bugs.k= 090 =3D=3D> 329524 - Moving versioned pictures to a different album ungrou= ps them. 091 =3D=3D> 305359 - Advanced rename of lots of images is slow. 092 =3D=3D> 333356 - Crash on attemp to change modified date to created da= te. -093 =3D=3D> = +093 =3D=3D> 134164 - Be able to use the settings from inside the .NEF file= itself. +094 =3D=3D> = +