SVN commit 1326732 by aacid: Improvement suggested by Carlos Osuna and further polished by Carl Symons M +1 -1 browser.php --- trunk/www/sites/konqueror/features/browser.php #1326731:1326732 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ #main table td.description h3 { padding-top:15px; } -

At the heart of Konqueror is the KHTML rendering engine supporting the latest Web Standards such as HTML5, Javascript, CSS3 and others. Alternatively, Konqueror can also use Webkit (a KHTML-derived engine now used by Google Chrome and Apple's Safari).


At the heart of Konqueror is the KHTML rendering engine (which was chosen by Apple to create WebKit, which today forms the basis for modern browsers like Safari and Chrome). It currently supports the latest Web Standards such as HTML5, Javascript, CSS3 and others. Alternatively, Konqueror can also use Webkit if you're looking for compatibility across the board.

Some of its features...