SVN commit 1305655 by lunakl: do not create /tmp manually in icecc-create-env The daemon does it when installing the environment. M +0 -5 icecc-create-env --- trunk/icecream/client/icecc-create-env #1305654:1305655 @@ -162,11 +162,6 @@ # depending on an extra argument added by icecream. add_file $added_compilerwrapper /usr/bin/gcc add_file $added_compilerwrapper /usr/bin/g++ - # clang requires /tmp - mkdir "$tempdir"/tmp/ - chmod 1777 "$tempdir"/tmp/ - touch "$tempdir"/tmp/dummy - add_file "$tempdir"/tmp/dummy /tmp/tmpfile # clang always uses its internal .h files clangincludes=$(dirname $($added_clang -print-file-name=include/limits.h)) for file in $clangincludes/*; do