SVN commit 1267143 by shaheed: Start of attempt to support writing to the server: 1. Implement a set of class-based wrappers which can be declared on the stack, and thus automatically deal with resource deallocation of all the myriad error paths. These could be used throughout the code to the same end. 2. Implement comprehensive error reporting logic in support of the above. 3. Flesh out the calendar change path, but leave it disabled. The logic in mapiconnector2.cpp exposes a bug in libmapi where SetProps asserts in cast_mapi_SPropValue() because it omits support for PT_MV_CLSID. M +103 -5 calendar/excalresource.cpp M +6 -0 calendar/excalresource.h M +547 -3 connector/mapiconnector2.cpp M +1 -0 connector/mapiconnector2.h