SVN commit 1226244 by asimha: Fixing crash while dumping the image. While dumping the image, KStars is not instantiated. Also, there is no observing list defined. This would lead to a crash. Checking if KStars has been instantiated before trying to access it fixes this. CCMAIL: M +4 -1 skymapcomposite.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.cpp #1226243:1226244 @@ -206,11 +206,13 @@ // FIXME: REGRESSION. Labeler now know nothing about infoboxes // map->infoBoxes()->reserveBoxes( psky ); + if( KStars::Instance() ) { const QList obsList = KStars::Instance()->observingList()->sessionList(); if( Options::obsListText() ) foreach( SkyObject* obj, obsList ) { SkyLabeler::AddLabel( obj, SkyLabeler::RUDE_LABEL ); } + } m_MilkyWay->draw( skyp ); @@ -249,8 +251,9 @@ m_DeepSky->drawLabels(); m_ObservingList->pen = QPen( QColor(data->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "ObsListColor" )), 1. ); - if( !m_ObservingList->list ) + if( KStars::Instance() && !m_ObservingList->list ) m_ObservingList->list = &KStars::Instance()->observingList()->sessionList(); + if( m_ObservingList ) m_ObservingList->draw( skyp ); m_Flags->draw( skyp );