SVN commit 1218180 by risenberg: Support for interactive patch editing in kompare/libdiff2 (backport from KDevelop). Difference::trackingDestinationLineNumber property added to track changes to a diff destination line when pieces are applied/unapplied. LevenshteinTable class made generic. DiffModel::linesChanged method handles insertion/deletion of text. Unit tests added to kompare/libdiff2 directory. M +3 -2 CMakeLists.txt M +34 -2 difference.cpp M +20 -38 difference.h A differencestringpair.h [License: LGPL (v2+)] M +0 -1 diffhunk.cpp M +228 -1 diffmodel.cpp M +17 -3 diffmodel.h M +7 -1 kompare.h M +39 -2 komparemodellist.cpp M +2 -0 komparemodellist.h D levenshteintable.cpp M +343 -7 levenshteintable.h A marker.h [License: LGPL (v2+)] A stringlistpair.cpp [License: LGPL (v2+)] A stringlistpair.h [License: LGPL (v2+)] A tests (directory) A tests/CMakeLists.txt A tests/interactivedifftest.cpp [License: LGPL (v2+)] A tests/interactivedifftest.h [License: LGPL (v2+)] A tests/levenshteintest.cpp [License: LGPL (v2+)] A tests/levenshteintest.h [License: LGPL (v2+)]