SVN commit 1199141 by ahartmetz: Make the best of webservers sending 304 (not modified) status while telling us that the content is not cacheable in the first place. M +4 -1 http.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kioslave/http/http.cpp #1199140:1199141 @@ -3743,7 +3743,10 @@ kDebug(7113) << "Error creating cache entry for " << m_request.url.url()<<"!\n"; } m_maxCacheSize = config()->readEntry("MaxCacheSize", DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE) / 2; - } else if (mayCache && m_request.responseCode == 304 && m_request.cacheTag.file) { + } else if (m_request.responseCode == 304 && m_request.cacheTag.file) { + if (!mayCache) { + kDebug(7113) << "This webserver is confused about the cacheability of the data it sends."; + } // the cache file should still be open for reading, see satisfyRequestFromCache(). Q_ASSERT(m_request.cacheTag.file->openMode() == QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_ASSERT(m_request.cacheTag.ioMode == ReadFromCache);