SVN commit 1157303 by lvsouza: Let the event's text to be copied to clipboard. When we receive an "add contact message" in a language we do not understand it is usefull to copy the message to clipboard and from there to a web translator. M +1 -0 infoeventwidget.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/kopete/kopete/infoeventwidget.cpp #1157302:1157303 @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ d->ui.buttonPrev->setIcon( KIcon( "arrow-left" ) ); d->ui.buttonNext->setIcon( KIcon( "arrow-right" ) ); d->ui.buttonClose->setIcon( KIcon( "window-close" ) ); + d->ui.lblInfo->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); QWidget::setVisible( false ); d->currentEventIndex = 0;