SVN commit 1146825 by larkang: Port from libmusicbrainz-2 to libmusicbrainz-3, important since the former library uses a deprecated web service which will stop working. Also fix storing and loading of multiple MusicBrainz entries with the same discid. For some reason, the exceptions thrown by the MusicBrainz library doesn't get caught (leaving it commented out), but the generic exception handlers work, only providing less information. M +4 -4 CMakeLists.txt A cmake/modules/FindMusicBrainz3.cmake M +2 -0 kscd/CMakeLists.txt M +1 -2 kscd/gui/kscdwindow.cpp M +80 -99 kscd/mbmanager.cpp M +1 -10 kscd/mbmanager.h M +11 -9 libkcddb/CMakeLists.txt M +2 -2 libkcddb/cache.cpp M +3 -3 libkcddb/client.cpp M +1 -1 libkcddb/config-musicbrainz.h.cmake M +1 -1 libkcddb/kcmcddb/cddbconfigwidget.cpp M +63 -45 libkcddb/musicbrainz/musicbrainzlookup.cpp M +1 -1 libkcddb/test/asyncmusicbrainztest.cpp M +4 -0 libkcddb/test/cdinfotest.cpp M +1 -1 libkcddb/test/musicbrainztest.cpp